Elevate your healing
Complementary therapies and lifestyle practices are backed by evidence to enhance your well-being and treatment outcomes. Advised by expert clinicians, we do the research so you can focus on what matters most.

7 Lifestyle Practices
Simple lifestyle choices like Eating Well, Moving More, and Managing Stress can improve survival and well-being. Discover practical guides and recommendations to support your healing journey.

Side Effect Guides
Find relief from side effects and symptoms by using lifestyle practices and complementary therapies with our evidence backed guides.

Supplement & Therapies Database
Access trusted research summaries on over 50 therapies, including botanicals, mind-body practices, and repurposed drugs, to make informed decisions about your care.
Your Companion for making CancerChoices
Navigate the challenges of a new diagnosis
Heal and reduce the risk of recurrence
Lower your cancer risk
Prepare for and manage treatment
Face recurrence with resilience
Find healing when cancer has progressed
Insights on healing
Explore articles, podcasts, and videos to support your healing journey.

Join us
We host free events virtually for you to connect with community and learn from experts directly.
The 2025 forum explored transformation through the intersections of integrative cancer care with consciousness and healing arts, featuring distinguished speakers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds.
Join Dr. Mary Hardy in a live Q&A session to discuss integrative approaches to cancer care. Lifestyle practices, nutrition, and complementary therapies will be discussed.