Cancer Caregivers Hub - CancerChoices

How we work to earn the trust of cancer caregivers

We share what we would want a loved one to know if they had cancer, drawing from our deep and broad experience.
We base our guidance on research, providing links to our sources.
Health professionals review our site content and offer further context.

How you can use CancerChoices

For yourself

You may be as new to caregiving as your loved one is to cancer. Navigating through this unknown territory can be a real challenge.

You need support to help you cope with change, nurture your own resilience and well-being, and lighten your load.

We provide resources and guidance.

With your loved one

You and your loved one may have many questions about cancer treatments and therapies, finding health professionals, and about what you each can do to preserve and strengthen your health and resilience.

We gather a vast amount of information in one place for you.

We’re here to help.

Explore our Caregivers Handbook

This handbook was created with your needs in mind.

It includes guidance and resources to help you take care of yourself as well as your loved one with cancer. 

We also share stories from people who have “been there.”

There are only four kinds of people in this world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers. Caregiving is universal.

Rosalynn Carter, Former First Lady of the United States