Community - CancerChoices

Webinars and events

Watch recordings of past webinars and sign up for upcoming events from CancerChoices, our partners, and other groups.

You don’t have to do this alone

Get help navigating our resources

We have volunteers available to help you find information on this site.

Join a Healing Circle

A good support group or healing circle can be invaluable. Our partners at Healing Circles can offer the support you need now. Circles are available on Living with Cancer, Caregivers Together, and many other topics.

Join a cancer retreat

Whether in-person or online, for a weekend or a whole week, cancer retreats can be transformative.

Other support resources

Imerman Angels

Imerman Angels’ mission is to provide comfort and understanding for all cancer fighters, survivors, previvors and caregivers through a personalized, one-on-one connection with someone who has been there.

Visit the website

Videos from The New School at Commonweal

The New School presents conversations, readings, and performances with thought- and action-leaders of our time. This collection of conversations related to cancer covers a wide range of topics and guests.

Cancer conversations from The New School

Want to help?

Would you like to volunteer to help others find information on this website? We can train you!

Volunteer with CancerChoices