Grieving Together: A 6-Week Series - CancerChoices

Please join Smith Center for Healing and the Arts and members of the Grief Team from Healing Circles Global for a series of healing circles for grief “to discover the extent and limits of what is lost, what is left and what is possible,” as shared by John Schneider.

If you have lost a loved one, this is an opportunity to share what is on your heart and mind right now, to listen and be listened to deeply and generously. Together we create a safe space for listening to messages from our inner experience.

Each circle is a blend of sharing and silence, compassion, and curiosity. Our agreements ensure acceptance and confidentiality. We honor our own unique paths to healing and respect the choices of others.

Dates: July 17, 24, 31; August 7, 14, 21

Time: 12-1:30pm EDT, offered through Zoom

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