
Psilocybin, which is produced by many species of mushrooms, is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound which has shown substantial effects for managing anxiety and depression among people with cancer.



An ancient mind-body practice combining movement and stretches with meditation, yoga is used to manage symptoms and side effects and body terrain imbalances common in cancer.


Vitamin C: Oral Use

Vitamin C, available in several foods and dietary supplements, shows some anticancer effects, including better survival among people with breast cancer.


Time in Nature or Forest Bathing

Simply spending time in nature shows benefits both for body terrain factors linked to cancer and for reducing cancer risk. It may also help with symptoms common among people with cancer.


Tai Chi or Qigong

Tai chi and qigong are forms of mind-body exercise and meditation that may help with symptoms of cancer and side effects of treatments.


Support Groups and Interventions

Small group meetings of people facing similar challenges help many people in managing distress and side effects of cancer treatments.


Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques refocus your attention on something calming and increase awareness of your body, often bringing your attention to your breathing, muscles, or other body functions to relax and calm them.


Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom is a natural product that may enhance immunity and response to chemo/radiotherapy, improve quality of life, and manage some side effects. 



This biofield energy therapy directs and balances the life force through practitioners’ hands to promote wellness.



During moxibustion, a trained therapist burns an herb to apply heat close to the skin at specific points, which can lead to improvements in several common side effects of cancer treatments.

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