Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone created by the body when skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays in sunlight. It is found naturally in a small number of foods and can also be taken as a fat soluble dietary supplement.


Vitamin C: Oral Use

Vitamin C, available in several foods and dietary supplements, shows some anticancer effects, including better survival among people with breast cancer.


Turmeric and Curcumin

Turmeric, with the active component curcumin, is both a food and dietary supplement that may promote a better immune response and blood sugar levels, and may also help you manage some side effects.



Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant compound found in grape skins and other foods and widely available as a supplement. It is linked to body terrain that is less favorable to cancer growth and spread.


Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques refocus your attention on something calming and increase awareness of your body, often bringing your attention to your breathing, muscles, or other body functions to relax and calm them.


Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics are living microorganisms that provide a health benefit, and prebiotics are fibers that feed these friendly bacteria, mostly in your gut. These therapies, found in certain foods or as supplements, can manage gastrointestinal symptoms and some body terrain factors common in cancer, and they may lead to better recovery from surgery.



Melatonin supplements mimic the effects of your own naturally produced melatonin in promoting sleep, and research shows melatonin can have a substantial role in cancer outcomes and side effects.


Guided Imagery

This mind-body therapy uses your imagination to help you relax, relieve symptoms, stimulate your body’s healing responses, access inner strengths and resources, and tolerate procedures and treatments better.


Green Tea or EGCG

Green tea and its extracts may provide substantial benefit for body terrain factors, especially body weight, high blood sugar and insulin resistance, inflammation, oxidative stress, each of which is linked to cancer development and growth.



By inserting very thin needles at specific points on the body and passing a mild electric current between them, electroacupuncture can relieve some side effects and symptoms common during cancer.

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