An ancient mind-body practice combining movement and stretches with meditation, yoga is used to manage symptoms and side effects and body terrain imbalances common in cancer.
Yoga at a glance
Yoga is an ancient mind-body practice combining gentle breathing exercises, meditation, stretches and poses to promote flexibility, strength, and balance. Many specific types of yoga are available.
Yoga is linked to better balance of body terrainthe internal conditions of your body, including nutritional status, fitness, blood sugar balance, hormone balance, inflammation and more factors, including body weight, blood sugar and insulin imbalance, hormone levels, inflammation, and oxidation. Yoga practice is also linked to lower frequency and/or severity of symptoms and side effects common among people with cancer, especially anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep disruption, stress, and distress, leading to overall better quality of life for many people.
CancerChoices ratings for yoga
We rate yoga on seven attributes, with 0 the lowest rating and 5 the highest. We rate the strength of the evidence supporting the use of yoga for a medical benefit, such as improving treatment outcomes or managing side effects.