Probiotics are living microorganisms that provide a health benefit, and prebiotics are fibers that feed these friendly bacteria, mostly in your gut. These therapies, found in certain foods or as supplements, can manage gastrointestinal symptoms and some body terrainthe internal conditions of your body, including nutritional status, fitness, blood sugar balance, hormone balance, inflammation and more factors common in cancer, and they may lead to better recovery from surgery.
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Modes of action
“Probiotic bacteria can mitigate HCC risk by modulating host gut microbiota (GM) to promote growth of beneficial microbes and inhibit HCC-associated dysbiosis.”1Thilakarathna WPDW, Rupasinghe HPV, Ridgway ND. Mechanisms by Which Probiotic Bacteria Attenuate the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 Mar 5;22(5):2606.
Lactic acid bacteria have demonstrated a host of properties in preventing colorectal cancer development by inhibiting initiation or progression through multiple pathways.2Zhong L, Zhang X, Covasa M. Emerging roles of lactic acid bacteria in protection against colorectal cancer. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2014;20(24):7878-7886.
Probiotics modulate the microbiota, improve the physico-chemical conditions of the gut, and reduce oxidative stress. Mechanisms of probiotics in inhibiting tumor progression, producing anticancer compounds, and modulating the host immune response:3Kahouli I, Tomaro-Duchesneau C, Prakash S. Probiotics in colorectal cancer (CRC) with emphasis on mechanisms of action and current perspectives. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2013 Aug;62(Pt 8):1107-1123.
- Reinforcing the gut epithelial barrier
- Reducing bacteria producing harmful enzymes
- Binding and deactivating carcinogens
- Increasing anticarcinogenic metabolites
- Reducing Intestinal inflammation
Helpful links for professionals

International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics

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Chilton SN, Burton JP, Reid G. Inclusion of fermented foods in food guides around the world. Nutrients. 2015 Jan 8;7(1):390-404.
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