This mind-body therapy uses your imagination to help you relax, relieve symptoms, stimulate your body’s healing responses, access inner strengths and resources, and tolerate procedures and treatments better.
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This section does not replicate the other information on this topic but provides additional details or context most relevant to professionals.
Managing symptoms among professionals
Preliminary evidencesignificant effects in small or poorly designed clinical studies OR conflicting results in adequate studies but a preponderance of evidence of an effect (this is the CancerChoices definition; other researchers and studies may define this differently) of less anxiety among surgeons performing surgery on patients listening to guided imagery or relaxing music
- Less anxiety among surgeons performing excisional surgery for basal and squamous cell carcinoma when patients were listening to guided imagery or relaxing music compared to controls in a mid-sized RCTrandomized controlled trial, a study design in which people are randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group to compare the outcomes from different treatments; an RCT is considered a strong design for determining a therapy’s effects1Alam M, Roongpisuthipong W et al. Utility of recorded guided imagery and relaxing music in reducing patient pain and anxiety, and surgeon anxiety, during cutaneous surgical procedures: a single-blinded randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2016 Sep;75(3):585-589.
Helpful links for professionals

Professional training and certification in Interactive Guided Imagery and referrals to certified practitioners

Jeanne Achterberg, PhD: Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine ›

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