Professionals Hub

CancerChoices is a resource for integrative oncology professionals and healthcare professionals who want a balanced assessment of complementary therapies and more. This page is a portal for professionals to find information and resources.

Resources to enhance your patient care

CancerChoices provides independent, science-backed, no-cost resources to help people with cancer, caregivers, and healthcare professionals understand choices in integrating conventionalthe cancer care offered by conventionally trained physicians and most hospitals; examples are chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy care, complementaryin cancer care, complementary care involves the use of therapies intended to enhance or add to standard conventional treatments; examples include supplements, mind-body approaches such as yoga or psychosocial therapy, and acupuncture care, and self carelifestyle actions and behaviors that may impact cancer outcomes; examples include eating health-promoting foods, limiting alcohol, increasing physical activity, and managing stress to improve cancer outcomes.

People with cancer are interested in integrative approaches to cancer care. A 2022 survey found that more than 60% of people with cancer want to have a conversation with their healthcare professionals about integrative treatments even before the start of their treatment, and a majority of the remainder want it within a month of starting treatment.1US Patient & Oncologist Awareness, Usage, & Attitudes Toward Whole Person Integrative Oncology. Prepared for Samueli Foundation by IQVIA. October 7, 2022. Viewed April 27, 2023.

We provide a Supplement and Therapies Database as well as handbooks on side effects, self care practices and more for people with cancer and healthcare practitioners. Many of our handbooks include specific guidance tailored for practitioners. Throughout our materials, we encourage people with cancer to work closely with their medical support team and link to directories to find integrative professionals ›

All these materials are designed to enhance your own knowledge and/or use as patient education materials.

We evaluate the evidence and rate the benefits of complementary cancer therapies’ in treating cancer, managing side effects, safety, cost, and more.

Find information about integrative approaches to conventional treatments or specific cancer types, managing side effects, and improving body terrain.

Find information on lifestyle impacts on cancer outcomes, including resources for having productive conversations with your patients.

Reviewed by experts

We work with a network of integrative oncology experts and advisors › to ensure our resources are reliable and accurate. 

In an independent review, our pilot site, Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies, received the highest rating for quality and trustworthiness of information on complementary cancer therapies among 11 websites. Read more ›

Built on trust

Whether you are a conventional oncologist, an integrative oncology professional, or a general practitioner using an integrative approach, you can find information to inform or enhance the care you provide to your patients. 

We are oriented towards the needs of the person with cancer and may be less conservative than research-based organizations that take the long view. People with cancer don’t have the luxury to wait for the large, gold-standard, decades-long research studies to find definitive answers. If something offers real hope based on evidence, we present that. We also share if evidence to date does not show an effect or even shows harm from using a therapy. As new research is published, our assessments and ratings can change.

Throughout the site, we link readily to all the evidence that informs our assessments and ratings. We are transparent about all our information.

  • We are funded by individual donors and private foundations and do not receive funds from any manufacturers or retailers who profit from cancer treatments or therapies. 
  • We investigate cancer therapies and practices by relying heavily on peer-reviewed studies and reviews in medical journals. Oncology experts review our therapies and handbooks. 
  • We do not promote any specific approaches or therapies. We offer information so that people facing difficult choices can make informed decisions.

Training and education

Our ongoing video conversations › feature some of the leading practitioners in the field addressing the practical needs of caring for people with cancer. Subscribe to our enews › to learn about the latest offerings and visit our extensive resources ›

We also encourage you to explore professional training programs in integrative cancer care or integrative medicine.

Integrative oncology training and education

American Institute of Integrative Oncology Research & Education logo

American Institute of Integrative Oncology Research & Education™

Foundations of Integrative Oncology Online Course ›

Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine logo

University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine

Introduction to Integrative Oncology (2023-2025) ›

Integrative Oncology Working Group logo

Integrative Oncology Working Group

Subscribe to a peer-learning educational group ›

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center logo

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Integrative Medicine Online Education Courses ›

National Cancer Institute logo

National Cancer Institute Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Training Opportunities ›

Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians logo

Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians

Check for an upcoming conference ›

Yes to Life logo

Yes to Life
E-learning courses related to integrative oncology in the United Kingdom

Courses ›

Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health logo

Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health

Practitioner Master Course ›

Terrain Advocate
Program ›

Integrative medicine or whole-person medicine training and education

University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine

Includes many oncology trainings

Online Courses ›

Integrative Health & Wellness Coaching ›

Integrative Health & Lifestyle Program (IHeLp) ›

Wellness & Lifestyle
Series ›

Tufts University School of Medicine Office of Continuing Education and Center for Innovation in Family Medicine

Introducing Whole Person Care into Your Practice ›

Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine

Fellowship program ›

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

Conferences and Educational
Events ›

The Medical Cannabis Institute Global

Continuing Education on Medical Cannabis ›

Other resources

These professional organizations can also serve as trusted resources. 

Help us advance the field of integrative care

Together, we can improve access to integrative cancer care resources and information for people with cancer and their caregivers.

  • Reach out with your questions, comments, and partnership ideas: use the comment form below ›
  • Offer to review a new therapy review or handbook
  • Share CancerChoices handbooks and therapy reviews with your patients: Resources ›
  • Include a link to CancerChoices via your website, email messages, and printed materials
  • Follow and share our posts on your social media platforms: Blog ›

Health professional comment

We invite health professionals to contribute expertise or send us questions.

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Please share your thoughts about content on the CancerChoices website. If you have a correction for us to consider, or additional information to add, please include references and links if possible.
