Grapes and Grape Extracts

Grapes and products made from grapes may promote body terrain factors known to be important in cancer, including better blood sugar and insulin levels and less oxidative stress.


Fasting or Calorie Restriction

Calorie restriction and fasting, whether for 12 or more hours every night or occasionally for longer periods, can contribute to lower body weight, blood sugar, and insulin resistance, plus fewer unpleasant chemotherapy-related side effects.



By inserting very thin needles at specific points on the body and passing a mild electric current between them, electroacupuncture can relieve some side effects and symptoms common during cancer.



A natural product commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine herbal mixtures may help to improve quality of life, manage side effects, and treat certain cancers.


Artesunate and Artemisinin-based Drugs

Prescription drugs derived from the Artemisia annua plant show very limited benefit in improving cancer treatment outcomes.



This ancient therapy originating in China involves inserting very thin needles into the body surface at specific points; it is effective in treating many cancer symptoms and side effects.
