H2 blockers, used to treat gastrointestinal ulcers and/or reduce stomach acid, may improve survival among people with cancer, especially after colorectal cancer resection.
How do experts use H2 blockers?
Integrative experts provide recommendations for cimetidine and other H2 blockers in treating people with cancer. Learn more about the approaches and meanings of recommendations ›
Clinical practice guidelines
We did not find cimetidine mentioned for cancer cancer in any of the guidelines we consulted.
Published protocols, programs, and approaches
These protocolsa package of therapies combining and preferably integrating various therapies and practices into a cohesive design for care, programs, and approaches by leaders in integrative cancer care use or recommend cimetidine and other H2 blockers.
We do not recommend specific integrative protocols or programs but provide information for you to evaluate with your healthcare team.
Keith Block, MD
Block KI. Life over Cancer: The Block Center Program for Integrative Cancer Care. New York: Bantam Dell. 2009.
The integrative Block Program has recommendations to people who are at different places along the cancer continuum:
- Those who’ve been recently diagnosed
- Those in treatment
- Those who’ve concluded treatment and need to remain vigilant to prevent recurrence
Raymond Chang, MD, FACP
Chang R. Beyond the Magic Bullet: The Anti-Cancer Cocktail. New York: Square One Publishers. 2012.
This book describes a “new therapy based on the knowledge that certain off-label drugs, nutrients, and therapies are each somewhat effective against cancer.” Dr. Chang combines approaches for added benefit.
Because of elevated estrogen levels from use, people with breast and gynecologic cancers should use H2 blockers cautiously.
Other expert assessments
Moss Reports

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Moss Reports conclude: “The reports on the effect of cimetidine on cancer are mixed, but in the main are quite positive. Cimetidine has a profound impact on the immune system and therefore may impact the outcome of cancer treatment. This is definitely an area that cancer patients should explore.” The report goes on to advise attention to drug interactions, side effects, and other caveats of use.
Cancer Strategies Journal
Clinical Pearls, Summer 2013 ›
“Given its low toxicity and low cost, cimetidine can probably be administered to patients with colorectal cancer and possibly other adenocarcinomas that express the Sialyl Lewis antigens to minimize metastases and recurrence and enhance survival.”(p.7)
Dosing for use in cancer care has not been established. For guidance, see the doses used in the studies we review ›
General information about dosing
Find general dosing guidelines regarding natural products and supplements in Dosing Guidelines ›