An ancient mind-body practice combining movement and stretches with meditation, yoga is used to manage symptoms and side effects and body terrain imbalances common in cancer.
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Reminders can encourage participants to keep practicing after an intervention ends.
- Higher practice frequency and less general and emotional fatigue 6 months after completing an 8-week yoga therapy intervention among people with cancer receiving weekly e-mail reminders for 24 weeks compared to no reminders in a mid-sized RCTrandomized controlled trial, a study design in which people are randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group to compare the outcomes from different treatments; an RCT is considered a strong design for determining a therapy’s effects1Zetzl T, Pittig A, Renner A, van Oorschot B, Jentschke E. Yoga therapy to reduce fatigue in cancer: effects of reminder e-mails and long-term efficacy. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2021 Dec;29(12):7725-7735.
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