Your Choices

We’re here to make it easy for you to do better with your conventional treatments with self care + complementary care that are supported by good science.


Choices in Healing

What is the true meaning of healing? Healing is movement toward wholeness.


Choices in Conventional Care

Conventional cancer treatments offer the only proven cures for cancer. They may also extend and improve life when cures are not possible.


Making Skillful Decisions

Here are some important rules of thumb for getting these powerful—yet also often difficult—cancer treatments right.


Choices in Self Care

The secret to self care is simply caring about yourself. Let it be real. Do what makes you feel better.


Introducing the 7 Lifestyle Practices

These 7 Lifestyle Practices are all things you can do for yourself. They cost little or nothing. They are the heart of self care.


Exploring What Matters Now

The answer to “what matters now” with cancer can be your best guide to how to live, what treatments to undertake, and what treatments to decline or discontinue.


Eating Well

Eating Well is one of our top-rated practices for improving cancer outcomes. Both conventional and integrative oncology professionals recommend Eating Well as part of cancer control.


Moving More

The science on exercise and cancer is the strongest of any of the lifestyle therapies.


Managing Stress

Reducing stress is vital to healing. So is finding skillful ways to cope with stresses you can’t remove.
