Anton: Rediscovering Sleep

Anton explained he realized after sleeping so well the night before, that he had not had a full night’s sleep since moving to New York.


Kay: A Cancer Recurrence Story

Now that she’s completed her chemotherapy, she wants to explore healing practices and therapies that will help keep the cancer from recurring.


Maisie Greer: Weaving Circles of Love

Letting people in to help was the greatest gift of grace we gave and received.


Harold: A Cancer Treatment Story

Harold learned to grow and examine what was needed for healing beyond just his cancer during treatment. This is an opportunity to exercise hope and understand that love is the answer.


Deborah Baker: Insights from a Caregiver

The very challenging first step is the private admission and acceptance that you need help.


Adrienne Dern: Still Here

My new life was about to begin, but I didn’t know that yet. 


Getting a Clear Picture of Research on Cancer Therapies

With scientific research, we get a little closer to the facts with each new discovery.


Walk with Each Other:
Healing Circles

Studies show that I’m not alone in needing others to help me through cancer.


Lindsay McDonell: Chemosensitivity Testing

BCCT/CancerChoices asked integrative oncology navigator and breast cancer survivor Lindsay McDonell to explain chemosensitivity testing for fellow cancer survivors.


Preparing to Be Vaccinated: An Integrative Approach

You can take actions that may improve your immune response to vaccination.
