CancerChoices and BCCT Take: Cannabis and Head and Neck Cancer

If you have HPV-positive head and neck cancer, it would make sense to stop using cannabis.


How to Begin Anticancer Living

I started visualizing my role in my cancer treatment as a gardener of my body.


Herb Scheidel: Metastatic Kidney Cancer

Herb defied all odds to shape his life, his career, and later his journey with metastatic kidney cancer.


Reducing Cancer Risks and Improving Outcomes

Addressing risk factors collectively as individuals, families, and communities, and also through public policy will have the greatest benefits.


Mining Google for Integrative Medicine Topics: Lower Yields

Google has changed its algorithm for searches, which changes the way Google ranks websites.


Ayahuasca and Cancer: One Man’s Experience

I will continue to treat my body and my spirit with ayahuasca, and work to teach others to respect it.


Older People: Wisely Navigating Safe and Effective Integrative Cancer Care

Recognize that though you can’t stop the passage of time, you can influence your health as you age.


Why Timing Matters—for Eating, Sleeping, Exercise—and Cancer Therapies

Timing is basically about bringing us back to the natural rhythms of life.


Janet Spitzer: Breast Cancer, Surgery and Femininity—Part 3: Remission

Janet Spitzer, MD, recounts her journey with breast cancer in a series of videos.


Janet Spitzer: Breast Cancer, Surgery and Femininity—Part 2: Treatment

Janet Spitzer, MD, recounts her journey with breast cancer in a series of videos.
