CancerChoices and BCCT Take: Cannabis and Head and Neck Cancer
If you have HPV-positive head and neck cancer, it would make sense to stop using cannabis.
. Last modified on : Dec 27 2023How to Begin Anticancer Living
I started visualizing my role in my cancer treatment as a gardener of my body.
. Last modified on : Dec 27 2023Herb Scheidel: Metastatic Kidney Cancer
Herb defied all odds to shape his life, his career, and later his journey with metastatic kidney cancer.
. Last modified on : Dec 27 2023Reducing Cancer Risks and Improving Outcomes
Addressing risk factors collectively as individuals, families, and communities, and also through public policy will have the greatest benefits.
. Last modified on : Dec 27 2023Mining Google for Integrative Medicine Topics: Lower Yields
Google has changed its algorithm for searches, which changes the way Google ranks websites.
. Last modified on : Dec 27 2023Ayahuasca and Cancer: One Man’s Experience
I will continue to treat my body and my spirit with ayahuasca, and work to teach others to respect it.
. Last modified on : Dec 27 2023Older People: Wisely Navigating Safe and Effective Integrative Cancer Care
Recognize that though you can’t stop the passage of time, you can influence your health as you age.
. Last modified on : Jan 05 2024Why Timing Matters—for Eating, Sleeping, Exercise—and Cancer Therapies
Timing is basically about bringing us back to the natural rhythms of life.
. Last modified on : Dec 17 2023Janet Spitzer: Breast Cancer, Surgery and Femininity—Part 3: Remission
Janet Spitzer, MD, recounts her journey with breast cancer in a series of videos.
. Last modified on : Dec 22 2023Janet Spitzer: Breast Cancer, Surgery and Femininity—Part 2: Treatment
Janet Spitzer, MD, recounts her journey with breast cancer in a series of videos.
. Last modified on : Dec 16 2023