Generous Listening with Rachel Naomi Remen, MD

CancerChoices advisor Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, describes the purpose and process of generous listening and how it impacts the person speaking.


Learnings on Relationship from Over One Hundred Cancer Retreats with Janie Brown, RN, MSN, MA

Janie Brown, RN, MSN, MA, co-founder and executive director of the Callanish Society, discusses her experience building relationships with retreat participants and the power of learning to love strangers, including learning how to grieve.


The Difference between CAM and Integrative Medicine with Donald Abrams, MD

CancerChoices advisor Donald Abrams, MD, discusses the difference between CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) and integrative medicine.


Intimacy Is Healing with Dean Ornish, MD

CancerChoices advisor Dean Ornish, MD, discusses how the power of relationship and connection can be harnessed to nurture healing.


Why Eat Organic? with Donald Abrams, MD

CancerChoices advisor Donald Abrams, MD, discusses why people with cancer—in fact, everyone—should aim to eat organically grown produce.


Creating a Healing Environment with Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS

Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS, senior clinical consultant at CancerChoices, shares an overview of creating a healing environment, one of the 7 Lifestyle Practices.


Sleeping Well with Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS

Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS, senior clinical consultant at CancerChoices, provides an overview of sleeping well, one of the 7 Lifestyle Practices.


How Oncology Nurses Reduce Our Fear: Reflections from a Cancer Coach and Thriver

Lindsay McDonell, a cancer coach, author, and CancerChoices volunteer guide, speaks about the critical role nurses play in helping people with cancer manage fear and find empowerment.


Managing Stress with Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS

CancerChoices senior clinical consultant Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS, discusses the effects of stress on the body and how to manage stress.


The Healing Power of Love with Brian Bouch, MD

CancerChoices advisor Brian Bouch, MD, and CancerChoices co-founder Michael Lerner discuss the healing power of love in its various manifestations.

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