Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques refocus your attention on something calming and increase awareness of your body, often bringing your attention to your breathing, muscles, or other body functions to relax and calm them.



This biofield energy therapy directs and balances the life force through practitioners’ hands to promote wellness.



Quercetin, found in many plant-based foods and available as a supplement, is linked to improved body terrain, and especially lower inflammation.


Non-aspirin Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to reduce inflammation, with notable benefits in increasing survival and reducing risk of several types of cancer; expert consensus is that the risks of harm from using these drugs long-term for prevention are greater than the benefits for many people.



During moxibustion, a trained therapist burns an herb to apply heat close to the skin at specific points, with improvements in several common side effects of cancer treatments.


Modified Citrus Pectin

Modified citrus pectin is a plant-based dietary supplement with very preliminary evidence of anticancer and antimetastatic effects.



Extracts from this woody plant are injected or infused for cancer treatment, often reducing side effects and improving quality of life, and perhaps improving survival.



Metformin, used to manage diabetes, shows some benefits in lower risks of cancer and better survival, mostly among people with diabetes or high blood sugar.



Melatonin supplements mimic the effects of your own naturally produced melatonin in promoting sleep, and research shows melatonin can have a substantial role in cancer outcomes and side effects.


Mediterranean Diet

A Mediterranean diet is high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and olive oil and low in meat, sweets, and saturated fat. It is linked to lower risks of cancer and relief of some symptoms and imbalances common among people with cancer.

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