Creating a Healing Environment Archives - CancerChoices

Introducing the 7 Healing Practices

These 7 Healing Practices are all things you can do for yourself. They cost little or nothing. They are the heart of self care.


Sleeping Well

There’s a lot you can do to improve sleep. It’s one of the most powerful and important healing practices.


Healing Circles & Retreats

The special power of Healing Circles and the Commonweal Cancer Help Program is that we can do this together, in a circle of equally dedicated participants and staff, and without any distractions from the outside world.


Anton: Rediscovering Sleep

Anton explained he realized after sleeping so well the night before, that he had not had a full night’s sleep since moving to New York.


How to Begin Anticancer Living

I started visualizing my role in my cancer treatment as a gardener of my body.


Reducing Cancer Risks and Improving Outcomes

Addressing risk factors collectively as individuals, families, and communities, and also through public policy will have the greatest benefits.


Why Timing Matters—for Eating, Sleeping, Exercise—and Cancer Therapies

Timing is basically about bringing us back to the natural rhythms of life.


Ruth Hennig: Building My New Normal with the 7 Healing Practices

The 7 Healing Practices are so fundamental to overall good health that you’ll benefit from adopting them even if cancer weren’t your main concern.
