Integrative, Whole Person Care: Envisioning Its Potential to Transform the Cancer Journey with Wayne B. Jonas, MD
CancerChoices advisor Wayne B. Jonas, MD, discusses how integrative, whole-person care can change the journey of a person with cancer in terms of treatments and monitoring, emotional impacts, and quality of life.
. First published on : Dec 05 2024Managing Anxiety and Depression during Cancer Pain with Thomas Smith, MD
Thomas Smith, MD, Professor of Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Director of Palliative Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine, discusses the importance of screening for anxiety and depression in people experiencing cancer pain and how to help patients manage these conditions.
. First published on : Nov 11 2024Managing Stress
Reducing stress is vital to healing. So is finding skillful ways to cope with stresses you can’t remove.
. Last modified on : Dec 21 2023