Integrative Oncology Is Not Alternative Medicine

The intentional, coordinated use of complementary therapies and lifestyle practices alongside conventional cancer treatments is called integrative oncology.


Suz Mondello: Managing Chronic Pain and Normalizing Life with Cancer

Suz Mondello, a friend of Commonweal and alumna of the Cancer Help Program, speaks with CancerChoices staff Nancy Hepp and Laura Pole about her four-year journey with cancer.


Suz Mondello: How I Responded to My Diagnosis and Created an Integrative Approach to Care

Suz Mondello, a friend of Commonweal and alumna of the Cancer Help Program, speaks with CancerChoices staff Nancy Hepp and Laura Pole about her four-year journey with cancer.


Reflections on Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a prime example in which an integrative approach may be incorporated not only for reducing the risk of primary prostate cancer, but in treating and reducing risk of progression or recurrence.


Reflections on Breast Cancer

Integrative breast cancer care has a remarkable amount to offer you. It can add to your treatment, help with side effects, benefit your quality of life, help you get well again, and reduce your risk of recurrence. Psychologically and spiritually, it can have transformative effects.


Your Choices

We’re here to make it easy for you to do better with your conventional treatments with self care + complementary care that are supported by good science.


Choices in Conventional Care

Conventional cancer treatments offer the only proven cures for cancer. They may also extend and improve life when cures are not possible.


Eating Well

Eating Well is one of our top-rated practices for improving cancer outcomes. Both conventional and integrative oncology professionals recommend Eating Well as part of cancer control.


Janet Spitzer: Breast Cancer, Surgery and Femininity—Part 3: Remission

Janet Spitzer, MD, recounts her journey with breast cancer in a series of videos.


Janet Spitzer: Breast Cancer, Surgery and Femininity—Part 2: Treatment

Janet Spitzer, MD, recounts her journey with breast cancer in a series of videos.

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