Offering Complementary Therapies to Patients: An Oncology Nurse’s Journey with Laura Freire, BSN, RN, OCN, HNB-BC, HTCP, CCAP, HSMI

Laura Freire, BSN, RN, OCN, HNB-BC, HTCP, CCAP, HSMI, Oncology Outpatient Center Staff Nurse, discusses how she learned about various complementary therapies and serves as an educator and point person for them at her oncology care center. Laura is joined by Laura Pole, MSN, RN, ONCS, senior clinical consultant at CancerChoices.


Remembering Ourselves through Breathing with Rachel Naomi Remen, MD

CancerChoices advisor Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, demonstrates a breathing technique to help lower anxiety.


Meditation and Cancer Pain with Thomas Smith, MD

Thomas Smith, MD, Professor of Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Director of Palliative Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine, discusses the role of meditation in supporting patients living with cancer pain.


Our Options in Responding to a Cancer Diagnosis with Wayne Jonas, MD

CancerChoices advisor Wayne B. Jonas, MD, discusses our options in responding to cancer: by waging a war against it, or by focusing on healing.


Suz Mondello: How I Responded to My Diagnosis and Created an Integrative Approach to Care

Suz Mondello, a friend of Commonweal and alumna of the Cancer Help Program, speaks with CancerChoices staff Nancy Hepp and Laura Pole about her four-year journey with cancer.


M. Patricia Díaz: Overcoming Stage 4 Cancer as a Teen and My Remission Journey to Wellness

When mom took me to her doctor, I was barely able to breathe. I looked at my lungs on the X-ray—one was white and the other black. Shortly after, I was surrounded by doctors and nurses, family and relatives. I had no idea what was happening.


Sue Cohen: Poetry and Painting on the Path Forward

The creative expression in this painting and poetry journey supported me in approaching the original trauma of my cancer detection, diagnosis, treatment, recuperation, and life afterwards.


Guided Imagery in Cancer Care

In a very real way, imagery is like the Rosetta Stone of body/mind/spirit communication.
