Three Surprisingly Effective Complementary Cancer Therapies: Aspirin, Vitamin D, and Melatonin

In this CancerChoices webinar, Michael Lerner, Nancy Hepp, and Laura Pole, MSN, RN, OCNS of CancerChoices explore the good evidence of effectiveness for improving survival and reducing risk of cancer for three complementary therapies.


Whole Person Cancer Care—Where Are We Now? With Donald Abrams, MD

In this CancerChoices webinar, CancerChoices advisor Donald Abrams, MD, and TNS host Michael Lerner offer a conversation on the launch of the CancerChoices website. Donald is an integrative oncologist and one of the nation’s foremost integrative cancer care authorities.


Optimizing Vitamin D Levels for Better Cancer Outcomes

CancerChoices Lead Researcher Nancy Hepp discusses how optimal vitamin D levels may help reduce cancer risk, improve cancer outcomes, and manage side effects of treatment. She also discusses how to maintain optimal blood levels of vitamin D.


The Need for Caution When Using Cannabis with Pharmaceuticals with Donald Abrams, MD

CancerChoices advisor Donald Abrams, MD, discusses the need for caution when using cannabis, especially concentrated, full-extract cannabis oil, due to its effect on liver function.


Complementary Therapies and Cancer: How Much Evidence Is Enough?

We view the use of science-informed, low-risk, affordable therapies as a reasonable option for patients. Stronger evidence of benefit is needed for therapies that are risky, expensive, or otherwise burdensome.


Ruth Hennig: Building My New Normal with the 7 Lifestyle Practices

The 7 Lifestyle Practices are so fundamental to overall good health that you’ll benefit from adopting them even if cancer weren’t your main concern.


Janie Brown: The Power of the Integrative Approach in Breast Cancer Treatment

When she was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago, we were catapulted from being professionals into the role of patient and caregiver.
