Easing Cancer Pain and Suffering with Tom Smith, MD

In this CancerChoices webinar, CancerChoices co-founder Michael Lerner and Thomas Smith, MD, converse about easing cancer pain and suffering. Uncontrolled pain creates unnecessary suffering, but when pain is controlled, quality of life improves dramatically.


Meditation and Cancer Pain with Thomas Smith, MD

Thomas Smith, MD, Professor of Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Director of Palliative Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine, discusses the role of meditation in supporting patients living with cancer pain.


Palliative Care as an Approach to Life with BJ Miller, MD

CancerChoices advisor BJ Miller, MD, discusses what palliative care and its philosophy offer to us as we cope with the challenges of the COVID pandemic.


Suz Mondello: Managing Chronic Pain and Normalizing Life with Cancer

Suz Mondello, a friend of Commonweal and alumna of the Cancer Help Program, speaks with CancerChoices staff Nancy Hepp and Laura Pole about her four-year journey with cancer.


Older People: Wisely Navigating Safe and Effective Integrative Cancer Care

Recognize that though you can’t stop the passage of time, you can influence your health as you age.
