Aspirin is a widely available over-the-counter medication that shows substantial effects at promoting survival and reducing risk of many types of cancer, plus reducing inflammation and managing pain due to inflammation.
Affordability and access
Prescription required?
- No, but we recommend you let your oncology team know you are using or considering using aspirin and follow their guidance
Other names and brands
You may find aspirin under many brands, including house brands such as Walgreens and Rite Aid.
Where to access
- Drug stores
- Grocery stores
- Convenience stores
- Online drug stores
- Generally inexpensive (less than $500 US/year)
Helpful links
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
The Benefits and Risks of Pain Relievers: Q & A on NSAIDs with Sharon Hertz, MD ›
Find doctors who are familiar with Jane McLelland’s Metro Map Protocol and her 5 Hallmarks of cancer