The Gonzalez Protocol™ uses freeze-dried pork pancreas, supplements, an individualized diet, and coffee enemas to alter cancer metabolism and inhibit growth.
Safety and precautions
One small trial found serious concerns regarding the safety of the Gonzalez Protocol™, although Dr. Gonzalez contested the methods used in the study.
- Higher mortality and worse quality of life among people with inoperable pancreatic adenocarcinoma following the Gonzalez Protocol™ compared to gemcitabine-based chemotherapy in a small controlled triala study design in which people are assigned to either an experimental group or a control group to compare the outcomes from different treatment; assignment is not random, and so this is not as strong a study design as a randomized controlled trial, but still stronger than an uncontrolled trial1Chabot JA, Tsai WY et al. Pancreatic proteolytic enzyme therapy compared with gemcitabine-based chemotherapy for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2010 Apr 20;28(12):2058-63.
Commentary on the Chabot et al study
Linda Isaacs, MD, colleague of Dr. Gonzalez, points out that the researchers in the Chabot study flooded the Gonzalez Regimen arm of the study with patients who were not actually doing the protocol. The researchers did not mention this in their research publication.2Isaacs LL Research battles: survival tips from a veteran. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal (Encinitas). 2015 Oct;14(5):30-2. See Dr. Gonzalez’ book What Went Wrong or Dr. Isaac’s article Research battles: survival tips from a veteran for further information.
Side effects
Side effects reported by researchers:3Gonzalez NJ, Isaacs LL. Evaluation of pancreatic proteolytic enzyme treatment of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, with nutrition and detoxification support. Nutrition and Cancer 1999;33:117-124; Pancreatic cancer, proteolytic enzyme therapy and detoxification [excerpts]. Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation. Viewed August 26, 2022.
- Intestinal gas
- Occasional bloating and indigestion, apparently related to ingestion of porcine pancreatic enzyme
- Flu-like syndromes, allegedly associated with detoxification, including low-grade fever, nonspecific muscle aches (myalgia), and nonspecific skin rashes