Sleeping Well

There’s a lot you can do to improve sleep. It’s one of the most powerful and important healing practices.


Creating a Healing Environment

Creating a sense of healing or sacred space in your corner or a room of your own depends deeply on what you find healing.


Sharing Love and Support

Love heals. That is the simplest way to put it. Friends help us heal. Kindness heals. Kindness, they say, is love with its work boots on.


Choices in Complementary Care

Choices in complementary cancer care goes beyond conventional care. Complementary care offers therapies and practices that “complement” conventional therapies.


How to Integrate Your Choices

People who wisely choose their conventional and complementary therapies and who practice self care are likely to live better and longer than those who don’t. 


Healing Circles & Retreats

The special power of Healing Circles and the Commonweal Cancer Help Program is that we can do this together, in a circle of equally dedicated participants and staff, and without any distractions from the outside world.


Anton: Rediscovering Sleep

Anton explained he realized after sleeping so well the night before, that he had not had a full night’s sleep since moving to New York.


Kay: A Cancer Recurrence Story

Now that she’s completed her chemotherapy, she wants to explore healing practices and therapies that will help keep the cancer from recurring.


Maisie Greer: Weaving Circles of Love

Letting people in to help was the greatest gift of grace we gave and received.


Harold: A Cancer Treatment Story

Harold learned to grow and examine what was needed for healing beyond just his cancer during treatment. This is an opportunity to exercise hope and understand that love is the answer.
