Moving More with Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS

Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS, senior clinical consultant at CancerChoices, offers the research on moving more for cancer patients and demonstrates some simple exercises.


Remembering Ourselves through Breathing with Rachel Naomi Remen, MD

CancerChoices advisor Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, demonstrates a breathing technique to help lower anxiety.


The Risks of Avoiding Conventional Cancer Therapies with Keith Block, MD

CancerChoices advisor Keith Block, MD, discusses how the avoidance of conventional therapies in cancer care reduces survival. He also explains the key characteristics of integrative cancer care.


The Importance of Exercise in Cancer Care and Prevention with Donald Abrams, MD

CancerChoices advisor Donald Abrams, MD, highlights research and professional guidelines regarding the benefits of exercise for cancer care and prevention.


Offering Guidance Without Prescription with Janie Brown, RN, MSN, MA

Janie Brown, co-founder and executive director of the Callanish Society, and Michael Lerner, co-founder of CancerChoices, discuss the goal to meet people where they are when offering guidance.


Palliative Care as an Approach to Life with BJ Miller, MD

CancerChoices advisor BJ Miller, MD, discusses what palliative care and its philosophy offer to us as we cope with the challenges of the COVID pandemic.


Eating Well with Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS

Laura Pole, RN, MSN, OCNS, senior clinical consultant at CancerChoices, shares an overview of eating well, one of the 7 Lifestyle Practices.


Our Options in Responding to a Cancer Diagnosis with Wayne Jonas, MD

CancerChoices advisor Wayne B. Jonas, MD, discusses our options in responding to cancer: by waging a war against it, or by focusing on healing.


The Importance of Second Opinions with Mark Renneker, MD

CancerChoices advisor Mark Renneker, MD, discusses the importance of considering more than one interpretation of pathology reports used to diagnose what may or may not be cancer.


Two Rules of Thumb for Cancer Care with Donald Abrams, MD

CancerChoices advisor Donald Abrams, MD, and CancerChoices co-founder Michael Lerner discuss two rules of thumb for cancer care: avoiding hasty decisions and verifying the pathology report.
