Your Choices

We’re here to make it easy for you to do better with your conventional treatments with self care + complementary care that are supported by good science.


Choices in Conventional Care

Conventional cancer treatments offer the only proven cures for cancer. They may also extend and improve life when cures are not possible.


Making Skillful Decisions

Here are some important rules of thumb for getting these powerful—yet also often difficult—cancer treatments right.


Choices in Self Care

The secret to self care is simply caring about yourself. Let it be real. Do what makes you feel better.


Choices in Complementary Care

Choices in complementary cancer care goes beyond conventional care. Complementary care offers therapies and practices that “complement” conventional therapies.


How to Integrate Your Choices

People who wisely choose their conventional and complementary therapies and who practice self care are likely to live better and longer than those who don’t. 


Adrienne Dern: Still Here

My new life was about to begin, but I didn’t know that yet. 


SIO & ASCO Collaborate on Clinical Practice Guidelines

The collaboration represents the deepening fusion of conventional and integrative oncology.


Kozo Hattori: Grounding into Uncertainty

I’m so grateful for all the love and support I have experienced on this healing journey.


Guided Imagery in Cancer Care

In a very real way, imagery is like the Rosetta Stone of body/mind/spirit communication.

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